Repeat after me. "I'm not behind." It may feel that way. Maybe you've taken a wrong turn or three in your journey to where you are right now.. but you've
never been in a better position to go after your dreams.
Those detours and bumps in the road that have held you up or changed your plans have actually made you stronger and have expanded your capacity for courage, risk and adventure.
It's not too late. You're not too old. You haven't missed your chance. You're not behind!
TAKE ACTION : What area in your life have you written off bc you think you’re too far behind?? Ask yourself these three questions:
1) Why do I feel like I’m behind?
2) What are the consequences of giving up on this area?
3) What COULD happen if I choose to stick with it and refuse to believe the lie that you’re too far behind to accomplish what you’re going after?
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