IT’S WORTH IT. Have you ever fought really hard for something and found yourself wondering at 2 am what the heck you’re doing?? (I know I can’t be the only one!) In those moments of fear, frustration or just pure exhaustion - take a moment to think about what you know is true! Look at all that “your fight” has accomplished in your own life and the world around you.

TAKE ACTION: Remember why you started AND how strong you’ve become through the process. These truths have a way of shrinking our fear and everything that’s making us question our path. Take a moment to get real about what's difficult and why it's making you question your direction. The energy you get from this process is what will remind you that this journey you’ve chosen IS WORTH IT! Here’s to starting your week off with hard questions! May the answers inspire you to keep going!


By Lindsay McPhail January 9, 2024
We can assume we know someone based on their political views, their job, their home, their generation, their faith. But all assuming does is keep us from relationship, create social divides, and keep our worlds small. Curiosity on the other hand gives room to really hear others, to gain new perspective, and to heal. Curiosity builds hope and unity. What will you choose today? TAKE ACTION: Choose one person you’ve assumed things about and ask them something that could challenge that assumption! Just do it … it will be worth it!
By Lindsay McPhail January 9, 2024
Of course comfort sounds like the better option. BUT courage … there’s nothing like it. Courage requires action. It requires leaving what we know for the uncertainty of what we long for. Thats why it’s hard, courage takes us to places where there no guarantees. It’s terrifying and it’s amazing all in one! While courage has led us to take some massive steps in life, like starting a coffee business in a crazy saturated area, moving our family across the country where we didn’t no one and launching a franchise to spread our positive message across the US - it all starts with small steps!!! What is ONE small step you can take out of comfort today? Talk to a stranger😳, take a cold shower 🤷‍♀️, order something different ☕️ … small steps lead to bigger ones and then one day you’ll realize you have chosen a life of courage over comfort!
Be bold - take action.
By Lindsay McPhail January 5, 2024
No one is coming to drop your dreams in a neat little package on your lap. If you want something you have to go after it! That means it's time to risk a little bigger, say yes to what you've been procrastinating and actually start taking steps toward the thing you can't stop thinking about. TAKE ACTION: Often, the reason we're not moving forward toward our dreams is because we've latched on to one or all of these beliefs: 1) Failure is the worst thing that could happen. 2) You need more money to start. 3) You need to have it all figured out before you take the first step. Take a moment to think about these three statements. Are any of them true or even partially true for you? If so - start asking what you could do today if that belief wasn’t actually true… hmmhmm because it’s not!
By Lindsay McPhail January 4, 2024
Wake-Up Words today hit home!!! We all have more than we think we have... sometimes it's just being able to see it and figure out how to use it to help us move forward! http://www.outsider.coffee/use-what-youve-got
By Lindsay McPhail October 16, 2023
The world is full of echos right now. In the age of social media it's easy to grab onto info that supports our world view (whether it's accurate or not) and echo it loudly for all to hear. Echos easily become noise and take away from the beauty of every day life. An echo just regurgitates someone else's thoughts. BUT, a voice comes from someone who is brave enough to offer their unique perspective AFTER getting the full scope of an issue. When we are able to speak after critically thinking through an issue, when we have something valuable to add to the conversation THEN our voice can actually create positive change in a sea of noise. TAKE ACTION: Today we all get to choose - Will we regurgitate news headlines that were designed to outrage OR will we take a minute to research, think about/pray about and then share if we have something to offer? One choice is easy and feels good in the moment, the other can actually create positive change, calm our media induced outrage and build community. Choose wisely friends!
By Lindsay McPhail October 11, 2023
By Lindsay McPhail October 10, 2023
The key to NOT quitting!
By Lindsay McPhail October 10, 2023
DON'T SETTLE: I’m a community college dropout. I started a church in a bar. All I know about marketing and design has been self-taught or learned through books and Youtube. Two of our four boys are on the autism spectrum, and I’ve always struggled with feeling like a failure as a mom. Always. We’ve started businesses and failed. We’ve lost everything. We’ve faced public humiliation and private rejection. We’ve known the comfort of the golden handcuffs (being at a job that pays good enough to make us question if following our dreams is even responsible). And still, we know every day is an opportunity to risk and to step out beyond what we know and are comfortable with. We have embraced the call of the Outsider, the less-traveled road filled with challenge after challenge. We are determined to see setbacks as learning experiences, and we will counter sleepless, stress-filled nights with the overwhelming peace of knowing we are living our destiny. You don’t have to quit your job or flip society the finger to find your place at the Outsider table. But you do have to choose to wake up to your purpose and to keep saying yes even when it feels impossible. When we choose the life of an Outsider, we see our failures as opportunities, and eventually, risk becomes a part of our DNA. The bottom line is, we are no longer confined to what society says success looks like — we are no longer bound to doing what is expected. We are free to say yes in the face of impossibility. We can ultimately refuse to fit in and wake up to our own greatness. Are you ready to wake up to yours?
By Lindsay McPhail May 21, 2023
MAKE PROGRESS NOT EXCUSES. Excuses mask the issues we need to face in order to move forward. Procrastination and avoidance usually point us to the root of trauma or brokenness that needs to be healed! If we look at the excuses we made last week we will know exactly what needs to be dealt with in order to keep moving forward. TAKE ACTION: Today let’s look at those areas with honesty and grace. Let’s choose to start this new week by taking steps to get rid of what’s keeping us stuck! Being willing to admit there are deeper issues behind our excuses is a HUGE step forward! We can’t heal what we won’t bring to light! You’re amazing and strong and so worth this honest first step forward! Let’s do it together!
By Lindsay McPhail May 20, 2023
ONE DAY AT A TIME. Easy advice to give but definitely harder to live by. What does it mean and why should you care? Choosing to adopt this motto means focusing on the present moment, setting manageable goals and taking care of yourself - mind, body and spirit! It's so easy to be distracted by the "urgent" and totally miss out on the most important things in our lives... mainly PEOPLE. Today if you're overwhelmed break down the challenge you're facing into three parts and ask yourself these questions: Part 1: What has to be done today? Part 2: How can I do what I'm dreading and still be kind to myself and the people around me? Part 3: What's my first step? When you can truly live your life one day at a time you will be more productive AND you will carry peace and presence with you wherever you go!
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