What if I told you that you're already brave enough to take on THAT THING you've been thinking about for so long?
You might think you need to feel brave BEFORE you move forward but actually you already have exactly what you need to move forward inside of you.
Courage isn't just going to come slap you upside the head one day. You won't all of the sudden feel bold and brave and ready to take on the world - the boldness and true bravery will show itself little by little AS YOU MOVE.
TAKE ACTION: Today we challenge you test out our theory... take one scary step (even if it's tiny) and see what happens! We think that one step will initiate a cycle of bravery that will just continue to grow as you go!
If you're curious about your 3 BIGGEST BRAVERY ROADBLOCKS join us on the Outsider Nation Podcast where we're diving deep on the topic of bravery in today's episode! You can find us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or just press play below:)
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