What you do with the time given to you today matters. It's easy to put off what's important for another day because we're too busy, running errands, checking to-do's off our lists or committing to things we know we don't want to say yes to. Eventually the really important stuff isn't even on the back burner, because our lives have been taken over completing "urgent" tasks and handling the next crisis. (I know I can't be alone in this!)
BUT we weren't meant to live in a state of constant chaos, stress or survival mode. The check list will always be there, there will always be fires to put out and people with no boundaries wanting more and more from us in life. AT SOME POINT we have to stop, breathe and remember what's important. We have to remove ourselves from the chaos and focus the gift today has brought us.
TAKE ACTION: We can't always control the chaos around us, but we can control how we prioritize what we give to it. What's the most important thing in your life today? Have you been treating it like a gift or a burden? Today we get to choose what we give energy to... let's make sure it's the important stuff!! xox Linz
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